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Perfect Uninstaller v6 3 3 5 + Serials (FreeLeech) ( Net)

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Perfect Uninstaller v6 3 3 5 + Serials (FreeLeech) ( Net)

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Name:Perfect Uninstaller v6 3 3 5 + Serials (FreeLeech) ( Net)

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 Perfect Uninstaller v6.3.3.5 + Serials By ChattChitto.exe

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[aligner=centre][ Perfect Uninstaller v6.3.3.5 ]


[img=Perfect Uninstaller v6 3 3 5 + Serials (FreeLeech) ( Net) preview 0]
Publié le : 03/07/2009
Editeur : Qiwang Computer
Compatible : Windows 95,98,2000,2003,Me,NT,Vista 32 bits,Vista 64 bits,XP
Licence : Gratuitiel / Freeware

[img=Perfect Uninstaller v6 3 3 5 + Serials (FreeLeech) ( Net) preview 1]

Perfect Uninstaller est une meilleure et plus facile pour vous de façon complètement désinstaller toute application indésirable que standard de Windows Ajout / Suppression de programmes ne peut pas supprimer.
Avec Perfect Uninstaller, vous pouvez désinstaller les applications indésirables dans votre système plus facilement et plus rapidement. Le standard Ajout / Suppression de programmes ne peuvent pas souvent complètement désinstaller toutes les applications et les brisures de registre keys.Unlike votre PC Ajout / Suppression de programmes, Perfect désinstallation ne peut pas seulement désinstaller des applications, mais également nettoyer les fichiers du Registre à gauche sur eux-mêmes. Il permettra de protéger votre PC contre les erreurs de registre corrompue, d´améliorer les performances de votre PC et de la vitesse
Perfect Uninstaller Que peut faire pour vous?

* Désinstallation / supprimer toute application indésirable dans votre PC
* Supprimer les programmes indésirables de force qui ne peut pas être désinstallé complètement "Windows Ajout / Suppression de programmes" du panneau applet.
* Effacer les entrées du Registre et les pilotes que les demandes de gauche
* Voir les informations détaillées d´une application installée sur votre ordinateur
* Supprimer complètement le logiciel Adobe Reader, McAfee, Aol Toolbar, AVG Anti-Virus, Norton 2006/2007 et beaucoup plus difficiles à désinstaller complètement les applications! Démarrez votre essai gratuit maintenant!

Avec Perfect Uninstaller, vous pouvez désinstaller les applications indésirables dans votre système plus facilement et plus rapidement. Le standard Ajout / Suppression de programmes ne peuvent pas souvent complètement désinstaller toutes les applications et les brisures de registre keys.Unlike votre PC Ajout / Suppression de programmes, Perfect désinstallation ne peut pas seulement désinstaller des applications, mais également nettoyer les fichiers du Registre à gauche sur eux-mêmes. Il permettra de protéger votre PC contre les erreurs de registre corrompue, d´améliorer les performances de votre PC et de la vitesse!

[img=Perfect Uninstaller v6 3 3 5 + Serials (FreeLeech) ( Net) preview 2]
Cd Key ou Cerise ? : Cd Key
Format : Exe
Langue : Anglais
Découpage : Aucune Info
Taille Du Post : 6 Mo

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-- ChattChitto ---------------------- 2008 --

Date.................: 03.07.2009

By...................: ChattChitto®


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Release Name....: Perfect Uninstaller v6.3.3.5 + Serials
Release Version.:

How To Use Guide: 1)Install "Perfect Uninstaller v6.3.3.5".
2)Click On "Perfect Uninstaller v6.3.3.5 Serials"
3)Register "Perfect Uninstaller v6.3.3.5"

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Release Description:

Perfect Uninstaller v6.3.3.5


Perfect Uninstaller is a better and easier way for you to completely uninstall any unwanted application that standard Windows Add/Remove Program can't remove.

Have you ever been bothered with software applications that can't be uninstalled by the standard Windows Add/Remove Programs? You are in the right place!

What Perfect Uninstaller can do for you ?
-Uninstall / remove any unwanted application in your PC
-Forcibly remove unwanted programs that cannot be uninstalled completely from "Windows Add or Remove Programs" control panel applet.
-Clear registry entries and drivers that the applications left over
-Show detailed information of a certain application installed in your computer
-Completely remove Adobe Reader, McAfee, Aol Toolbar, AVG Anti-Virus, Norton 2006/2007 and much more difficult to completely uninstall applications! Start your free trial now!

With Perfect Uninstaller, you can uninstall any unwanted applications in your system easier and faster. The standard Add /Remove Program can not often completely uninstall all applications and broken registry keys.Unlike your own PC Add/Remove Program , Perfect Uninstall can not only uninstall the applications , but also clean the registry files left over themselves. It will protect your PC from corrupted registry errors , improving your PC performance and speed!

Features And Benefits:
-Faster than the standard removal applet that comes with Windows.
-Provide different ways of application view to accord with your use habit: by Icons, by List, by Details.
-Remove programs that could not be removed by Add/Remove program.
-Completely clean the empty / corrupted registry entries that a certain application left over.
-Protect your registry from empty / corrupted errors and improve your PC performance.
-Forcibly remove hidden application installed in your system.
-Fast point to the folder where application installed..
-Check details of a certain program installed in your computer to decide whether to uninstall it or not.
-Easy of use and friendly user interface.
-Show details about currently installed applications.
-Easily and completely uninstall programs that could not be removed by the standard Windows Add/Remove applet, such as, Norton, McAfee, AVG, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, Adobe Reader and much more difficult to uninstall programs.
-Completely clean the empty / corrupted registry entries that a program leaves over. Protect your registry from empty / corrupted errors and improve your PC performance.
-Forcibly uninstall hidden programs installed on your PC.
-Much faster than the Add/Remove applet. Fast point to the folder where the program is installed, and quickly scan the details of the program.
-Easy to use with friendly user interface. Provide 3 list view styles of programs before uninstall, including Icons, List and Details. Provide 3 options to uninstall, including Uninstall, Special Uninstall and Force Uninstall.
-Restore Registry. At any time, you can use the "Option"->" Restore Registry " to restore the registry to a previous state, and restore files from the recycle bin where the files were removed into.
-Startup Manager lets you easily administer which program is launched at the system startup. That is, you can enable, disable or remove the program that could run at the system startup within the two separate lists, Startup List and Restore List .The applications that currently run at the startup are listed in Startup List while Restore List centrally manage a list of the previously disabled applications.

Operating System:
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/ Vista32/ Vista64


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